Discover the Serene Splendor of Sumberkima Hill

In the heart of Bali's untouched North West, there exists a sanctuary so sublime, it feels as though time itself dances to a different rhythm. Sumberkima Hill, a haven of opulence and tranquility, beckons to weary souls and wanderers seeking respite from the chaos of the world. As a seeker of serenity and a lover of life's finer pleasures, I recently embarked on a week-long journey to this enchanting oasis, and what unfolded was nothing short of a transformative odyssey.

Arriving at my secluded abode, Villa Bidadari, I was immediately enveloped in an aura of exquisite luxury. Perched atop a verdant hill, the villa's sprawling expanse offered breathtaking vistas of the boundless sea stretching out before me. With its elegant interiors adorned with Balinese accents and modern amenities, it was a sanctuary fit for royalty. But it was the infinity pool, with its sapphire waters beckoning beneath the golden glow of dawn, that truly stole my heart and set the stage for the luxurious adventures that awaited.

Each morning, as the world awoke to a new day, I embarked on a ritual of renewal that would set the tone for the hours ahead. With the first blush of dawn painting the sky in hues of rose and gold, I surrendered to the embrace of the villa's resplendent pool, shedding the constraints of the world and immersing myself in the purity of the moment. Emerging refreshed and invigorated, I made my way to the yoga shala, a sacred space nestled amidst the verdant hills, where the gentle cadence of my practice harmonized with the symphony of nature unfolding around me. It was here, amidst the rustle of leaves and the song of birds, that I found a sense of peace and connection that transcended words.

But the journey of self-discovery and renewal did not end with the sun's ascent. Sumberkima Hill is renowned for its world-class spa facilities, where ancient healing traditions are interwoven with modern luxury. Here, amidst the fragrant scents of tropical blooms and the soft strains of Balinese music, I surrendered to the expert hands of village healers, whose skillful touch coaxed tension from weary muscles and invited a sense of profound relaxation to envelop body and soul. And as if that weren't enough, I was treated to a transformative sound bath, with sacred bowls placed delicately upon my body, their resonant tones guiding me into a state of deep inner harmony and tranquility.

In between moments of pampering and self-reflection, I embraced the opportunity to explore the wonders of Sumberkima Hill and its surrounding environs. Whether snorkeling amidst vibrant coral reefs, trekking through lush tropical forests, or immersing myself in the rich cultural tapestry of Bali's North West, each day offered a new adventure and a chance to deepen my connection to the world around me.

But what truly sets Sumberkima Hill apart is its remarkable origins, a story of vision, dedication, and a deep reverence for the land. Born from the collective dream of a group of like-minded individuals, this sanctuary of serenity has blossomed from humble beginnings into a thriving community, offering an array of luxurious accommodations, world-class amenities, and unforgettable experiences. From its modest inception with just a few villas, Sumberkima Hill has evolved into a haven of opulence and tranquility, inviting guests from far and wide to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.

As my week-long retreat drew to a close, I found myself reluctant to bid farewell to the sanctuary that had become my home away from home. But as I departed Villa Bidadari, I carried with me a sense of deep gratitude for the transformative experiences and cherished memories that Sumberkima Hill had bestowed upon me. In a world where luxury often comes at the expense of authenticity, Sumberkima Hill stands as a shining beacon of true indulgence – a place where opulence and serenity intertwine to create an unforgettable retreat experience, inviting all who seek solace and renewal to embark on a journey of self-discovery amidst the serene splendor of Bali's North West.

Written by Oona Chanel

Photography Sumberkima Hill


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